Drug and Alcohol Intervention

If you’re looking for a way to reach a loved one who is struggling with addiction, a drug and alcohol intervention may be the right choice. An intervention should take place as soon as the substance abuse is perceived. Some of the indications to look for include weight loss, change in companions, loss of job, becoming secretive and/or distant, and most importantly a rejection to accept help. If you are at the point where you’re asking yourself if it’s time to do an intervention, the answer is yes.

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What is a Family Intervention?

This is a form of intervention that involves all the family members of an addicted individual. It is designed to benefit the patient and also the family as a whole. If a loved one is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, or is having other issues that are negatively affecting them and the individuals around them, it can be hard to figure out how to offer support and guidance. It is even more difficult when a person is reluctant to seek help or doesn’t understand the extent of their problem. In situations like these, addiction interventions are an effective way to encourage loved ones to take the initial step toward recovery. There are also professional interventionists in San Diego ready to help if you do not feel comfortable conducting one alone.

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5 steps to form a Family Intervention

1. Involve Family, Close Friends and Colleagues

One of the most vital aspects of an intervention is the people involved. Generally speaking, there should be at least three or four individuals at an intervention, but usually not more than 10. Some interventions focus on sharing personal accounts of how the individual’s behavior has hurt the participants, and their concerns for his or her lifestyle. Sharing these concerns gives the person concrete examples of why his or her actions are undesirable and how it is affecting others.

2. Prepare in Advance

Meeting ahead of time can help participants be ready for the actual intervention. It provides everyone an opportunity to share and get feedback on the statements they plan to make. It’s also a chance to prepare for any oncoming emotions that could disrupt the intervention process if they were to erupt on the actual day.

3. Choose an Appropriate Time and Location

Select a time when the individual isn’t busy and has no other commitments. Doing so will reduce distractions and help ensure that the person is available at the time you’ve prepared to meet. Choosing the proper time of day is essential, along with a location where there will be no interruptions or distractions.

4. Don’t be Too Confrontational

The tone that the participants use to express themselves can have a substantial impact during a family intervention. Expressing genuine concern and support, rather than confrontational advances, will create a positive ambiance and make the subject of the intervention more likely to listen.

5. Stay focused on the goal

Agreeing on a goal for recovery is the most important part of the process of forming a family intervention. Declare what actions you want the individual to take. Do you want the person to attend drug addiction rehab and seek help? Do you want them to see a counselor or join a support group? Make sure that you have an end-goal for the family intervention; you’ll need the person to make a prompt decision regarding their immediate future.

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